Clinical Trials and Research

CQ University Logo

CQ University Logo

Meeting the needs of people living with complex regional pain syndrome: Defining the problem.CQ University conducted a research project in conjunction with CRPS Awareness - the Purple Bucket Foundation and the Australian Pain Management Association.

This 'CRPS Needs Project' is an ongoing research project. The CRPS Brochure is only the beginning  of what we hope to develop.

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With "FindMeCure"

FindMeCure Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation under the umbrella of FindMeCure.

They are committed to educating people globally about clinical trials, encouraging patients to make more informed decisions about their treatment and paving a way to a better quality of life.

FindMeCure help you understand the many varied ways to participate; and the benefits and risks of clinical trials. Although science is continuously working on finding better solutions within clinical trials, less than 15% of patients are aware of clinical trials as an option for managing their condition. At the same time, 95% of people who participated in a clinical trial would recommend it and would do it again.

FindMeCure has devoted its efforts in supporting patient organisations, like The Purple Bucket Foundation, worldwide to better inform their patient communities through a variety of initiatives and useful materials.

We've partnered with FindMeCure to provide you with the search tool below to help you find and join a clinical trial near you.

How It Works - FindMeCure

Provide InformationFindMeCure collects information and insights about clinical trials happening worldwide right now. Give us basic details about yourself and let us share our knowledge with you.

Explore OptionsUse our platform to learn details about treatments in research for your condition. Check if any of the trials on our list could help you. Our team is here to guide you during this process.

Get SupportOnce you find a clinical trial that matches your needs, we will provide you with details about the enrolment process and will connect you to the medical staff running the clinical trial.

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