Details About Scrambler Therapy and Its Use in Australia

While we understand that while not all treatments are “endorsed”, lived experienced has demonstrated some such treatments demonstrate consideration. 

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On December 1st, 2016, The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. received notification that their application to have the medical device Scrambler Therapy® Technology MC-5A, CE Certification 0476, had been approved for supply in Australia and registered with the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods. This paved the way for patients to be treated with Scrambler Therapy® Technology MC-5A throughout Australia. Also enabling practitioners/operator’s direct access to the standard official training course, which certifies the operator to the correct methodology and usage of Scrambler Therapy® Technology MC-5A and the dedicated software designed exclusively for Scrambler Therapy.

Scrambler Therapy® Technology was originally developed in Italy for the treatment of chronic, neuropathic and oncologic pain resistant to opiates, anti-seizure medications, intravenous anaesthetics and other forms of treatment. Scrambler Therapy® is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical approach to pain therapy.

Only a pain specialist, other qualified pain physician or specialist nurses working under a pain specialist can be certified in Scrambler Therapy, as the correct identification of placement sites for the electrodes is crucial for treatment. The Scrambler device resembles an electrocardiogram medical device in appearance. It has five electrodes the physician places on the non-painful tissue near the site of pain but never on the site of pain.It uses an electro cutaneous method (electrodes/leads on the skin) to comfortably stimulate (like a gentle vibration), surface receptors on normal tissue that correspond to a dermatome type. This signal from normal tissue communicates a “non-pain” signal to the brain via the central nervous system that is specific to each individual. This signal is a synthetic signal of “non-pain” that the brain now recognizes as “normal self” because it travels the same pathways on the central nervous system that previously carried the “pain” message. It is for this reason, the inventor Giuseppe Marineo Ph.D., D.Sc. from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy thought the name “Scrambler Therapy” was the most appropriate one.

Scrambler Therapy Has Been Used To Support and Treat:

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Brachial neuritus
  • Brachial plexus neuropathy
  • Low back pain
  • Failed back surgery syndrome
  • Lumbago
  • Sciatic pain
  • Lumbar & sciatic pain
  • Narrow canal syndrome
  • Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents
  • Mononeuritis of unspecified site
  • Neuralgia, neuritis
  • Unspecified chronic neuropathic pain
  • Postherpetic neuralgia
  • Postherpetic polyneuropathy
  • Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia
  • Herpes zoster myelitis
  • Other Herpes zoster
  • Phantom limb
  • Cancer pain
  • Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy
  • Oncological pain
  • Neoplasm related pain
  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Acute pain (symptomatic treatment)
  • Acute post-thoracotomy pain (symptomatic treatment)
  • Chronic post-thoracotomy pain
  • Other acute postoperative pain (symptomatic treatment)
  • Post-surgical chronic neuropathic pain
  • Visceral pain
  • Idiopathic pain

Scrambler Therapy Is Available Across Australia

Scrambler Therapy is currently available in these Australian locations:

  • Albury, NSW – 02 6023 6516
  • Noosa Heads, QLD – 07 5447 2144
  • Subiaco, WA – 0451 178 880
  • Frankston, Vic – 03 9770 0522 

Operators were trained having completed the standard official training course, which certifies the operator to the correct methodology and usage of Scrambler Therapy® Technology by Giuseppe Marineo or Richard Erickson, and hold DIS&L Certification certificates.

It is important for healthcare providers to recognise potential nondrug therapies for treating chronic pain. Scrambler Therapy may bring a new horizon for the treatment of chronic pain related to trauma, nerve injuries, stroke, etc. Recent significant findings relating to the failings, injuries and unfortunate deaths of Spinal Cord Stimulator devices plus the ongoing opioid “crisis”, this noninvasive technique, could be a tremendous step forward in nondrug solutions for chronic/persistent pain.

NOTE: At the time of publishing, The Purple Bucket Foundation have not, do not, and do not expect to receive any financial benefit from Scrambler Therapy sales. Information on Scrambler Therapy locations of operation within Australia is subject to change at any time or without notice. The Purple Bucket Foundation Does Not recommend any one particular operator of Scrambler Therapy, we only provide the known locations of Scrambler Therapy operating within Australia.

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